Classes and Special Events:
“WONDERFUL YOU!” join me for a class where I will introduce you to three spiritual tools you can use to live a happier more balanced life. This class will focus on practical viewpoints for spiritual awakening and survival in this modern fast paced lifetime we are residing in.
You will learn not just from a philosophical, theoretical teaching, but most importantly from your own personal EXPERIENCE!
This class will begin to build a foundation for future classes where we explore more topics of interest. Spiritual tools will be taught, discussed and practiced and there will be time for sharing of experiences through journalling and class interaction.
Please contact me through e mail @ by February 20th . class will be held Sunday March 2nd from 10am – 12 pm.
Yoga under the Sky ( TBA) outdoor yoga classes with special guest instructors from the area.
Learn to Use your self massage tools with me in my special class focused on helping you get the most out of your home self care routines (TBA)
Massage Class: Bring a friend or loved one and learn to give a basic Swedish massage with long flowing strokes, as well as contraindications, some anatomy and physiology of muscle groups massaged. (Prerequisite class for advanced massage classes) TBA
Stretch Class (TBA) Learn important tips for stretching, why it is crucial you do it, and how to maintain your bodywork gains at home and prevent injuries.
Meditation Classes under the Sky (TBA) Learn to quiet your mind with me and gain control of anxiety. I will teach you an ancient mantra which can bring peace, balance, contentment, better sleep, healing and a closer relationship to The Divine.
Some of my core beliefs:
I support any religion that is based in love. I would not consider myself a religious person, though I am familiar with many religions. I consider myself a Co-worker with God and my mission is to help other people understand their true nature as a Divine spark of our Creator. Understanding our true eternal self can lead to greater understanding of God, and eventually a deeper more meaningful relationship with It and life in general. This helps one create a life that works for them.
Imagination, seeing, knowing and more are aspects of our true eternal self, called Soul. You do not have a Soul. You actually are Soul. You are Soul which has a body and mind. You are not a body and mind which has a Soul. Your brain is programmed to believe certain things to be true whether or not they are. In this way, our mind is similar to a machine or computer. Soul is different because it has many lifetimes of experiences, opinions and beliefs and can also know Divine truth if taught how to access it. These truths are carried with Soul throughout eternity, lifetime upon lifetime. Though often forgotten, they can be remembered and used to build a greater foundation of peace, love, compassion, and the ability to make better choices.
My simple yet profound perspective is one of the keystones to my work, and once grasped can be life changing. For example, if you know that an astronaut needs a suit to go to the moon, then it is not a stretch to consider that Soul (our eternal spirit self) also needs a suit (our physical mind and body) to inhabit the Earth. Soul cannot experience life in the physical plane without what I call an “Earth suit.” When our physical body dies, our true eternal self, Soul, goes on to another dimension based on our life choices. These choices determine our next incarnation whether in the physical, astral or one of God’s other heavens. There are many planes (or mansions as they were called in the Bible). Some are pleasant, some are like Earth, and some are “rough neighborhoods” (or hell as referred to in the Bible). These are on the lower astral planes. These places are for Soul to learn to do better. They are not for small transgressions and definitely not reserved for those who are not “saved” per say. These are not permanent dwellings but rather reformatories where some Souls go to gain experiences which may not be pleasant, but offer them a chance for greater spiritual growth and maturity. God loves all Souls however, I find it comforting to know that there is karma (spiritual accounting) for our good and not so good choices and these choices effect our whole life as Soul not just the physical incarnations. Nice to know we do not have to rely solely on our justice system. We have a loving Creator who teaches us in dreams, waking life, scriptures, through people, our families, and more. The perspectives I share do not impede our journey to Creator but enhance it when understood. We can enrich whatever path we are currently on. As we open our “spiritual eyes” and look through Soul’s viewpoint we begin to see, hear and know God’s language and thus know true love.
Tash back in 2009 having achieved her goal of riding motorcycles and experiencing the freedom of two wheels.